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1/8" x 14" Lincoln 7018AC Mild Steel Stick Electrode, 50 lb Easy Open Can, All Position Except Vertical Down

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1/8" x 14" Lincoln 7018AC Mild Steel Stick Electrode, 50 lb Easy Open Can, All Position Except Vertical Down

AC polarity welding Low open circuit voltage operation Minimal spatter Capable of cold re-strikesTypical Applications: General fabrication Tack and skip welds Thin sections

AWS Classification:E7018 H8
Elongation:23-29 %
Material:Mild Steel
Package:Easy Open Can
Tensile Strength:515-685 MPa
Trade Name:Lincoln 7018AC
Weight:50 lb
Welding Position:All, Except Vertical Down
Yield Strength:435-625 MPa

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