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Rental Services

Rent the Welding Machine You Need

Need a welding machine for a one-time job and don’t want to buy a new unit? Check out our short-term and long-term rental options — we have everything from engine-driven units and plasma cutting systems to spool guns and MIG, TIG and stick units.

Call our service department at 563-324-5237 to learn more. For an updated list of equipment, go to our rental listings on our product catalog here.

Learn more about what rental equipment we offer. Call our service department at 563.324.5237, or call your local branch.


It has been a great experience for Erie High School and myself in dealing with S.J. Smith and Mike Gay. Mike's knowledge and dedication to his trade is a valued asset to S.J. Smith and has benefited myself and Erie School District immensely. Tod McCullough, Industrial Technology Instructor, Erie High School, Erie, Illinois