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0.045" Quantum Arc D2 Mild and Low Alloy, Copper-Coating, 33 Lb Steel Reel

ITEM CODE: HOB-S307212-033
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0.045" Quantum Arc D2 Mild and Low Alloy, Copper-Coating, 33 Lb Steel Reel, 80000 PSI Min. Tensile Strength(AWS Spec)

Higher tensile and yield strength weldments - High quality welds -matched to meet the requirements of many high strength applications High in deoxidizers - Excellent for rusty, scaly, oily plate and pipes Excellent wetting characteristics - Smoother weld beads with uniform tie-in Low silicon - Excellent for open root pass weldingApplications: Single or multiple pass 75 Argon/25 CO or CO Construction equipment High quality, high strength applicationsConformances and Approvals: AWS A5.28, ER80S-D2, ER90S-G ASME SFA 5.28, A-11, F-6 CWB W48-14 B-G 55A 3 C1 S4M31 (B-G 55A 3 C G4M31)

Appearance:Solid, round wire
Color:Gray or Copper (shiny metallic)
Elongation % in 2"(100% CO):20%
Elongation % in 2"(AWS Spec):17%
Packaging:33 Lb Steel Reel
Physical State:Solid
Shielding Gas:100% Carbon Dioxide (CO), 75-92% Argon (Ar)/Balance Carbon Dioxide (CO), 25-50 cfh
Tensile Strength(100% CO):94000 PSI
Tensile Strength(AWS Spec):80000 PSI Minimum
Type of Current:Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP)
Yield Strength(100% CO):80000 PSI
Yield Strength(AWS Spec):68000 PSI Minimum

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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