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6" Z3 Zirconia Surface Conditioning Flap Disc, 27 Depressed Center, 5/8"-11 Arbor, 60 Grit

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6" Z3 Zirconia Surface Conditioning Flap Disc, 27 Depressed Center, 5/8"-11 Arbor, 60 Grit, Medium Grade

Active grinding agent provides cool cutting with light pressure. Special optimized resin bond offers maximum cutting capacity, strong edge stability and long life. Premium Zirconia Alumina grain with a poly/cotton heat treated backing. The poly/cotton combination provides low stretch and strength for the high Zirconia concentration that Z3 contains. Contaminate-free. For working on flat grinding surfaces. Most efficient when used between 0"15 angle. The best choice for smooth finishing.Suitable For:Recommended for aggressive use and heavy duty applications.Application:Fastest grain removal in the marketplace for carbon based steels (26% more than the competition) and second best after CGW Z-Stainless discs on stainless steels, while offering excellent life.

Arbor Hole Size:5/8"-11
Max Operating Speed:10,200 RPM
Type:27 Depressed Center
Use:Right Angle Grinder

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