Magnify Glass Dark Magnify Glass Red

46 to 54" Waist, 1-1/2" W, Black, Leather, Single Tongue Clasp, General Purpose, Large, Heavy Duty, Iron Workers Tool Belt

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Iron Workers Tool Belt; Type General Purpose, Large, Heavy Duty; Clasp Type Single Tongue; Minimum Size 46 Inch; Maximum Size 54 Inch; Width 1-1/2 Inch; Material Leather; Color Black

Made of Strong, Heavy Duty Leather; Removable Single-Tongue Buckle Held is by Two Heavy Duty Snaps; Designed to Carry Lightweight Tool Pouch; Made in USA

Clasp Type:Single Tongue
Maximum Size:54 Inch
Minimum Size:46 Inch
Type:General Purpose, Large, Heavy Duty
Width:1-1/2 Inch

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

Please call for details.