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Ultra-Thin 18-Gauge Glove with ANSI A2 Cut Resistance, Nitrile Micro-Foam Coating, Size L

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Ultra-Thin 18-Gauge Glove with ANSI A2 Cut Resistance, Nitrile Micro-Foam Coating, Colored Cuffs, Size L

Ultra-thin 18-gauge glove with ANSI A2 cut resistance with outstanding comfort and dexterity. Ultra-thin 18-gauge glove is breathable for added comfort. Super thin shell feels like a second skin. Provides added cut and abrasion resistance when transporting materials or small parts assembly. Excellent tactical sensitivity and dexterity for uncompromised hand movement. Extremely durable for extended wear. Ergonomically designed to reduce worker fatigue. Nitrile micro-foam coating provides gripping power in oily, greasy, wet and dry conditions. Durable seamless stitching allows for multiple washings. Colored cuffs for easy size identification.

Material:Nitrile Micro Foam

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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