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22" W x 19" L Rust/Brown Side Split Cowhide Leather Bib with Snaps for FR Cotton Cape Sleeves, 19" Rust

ITEM CODE: 92119
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22" W x 19" L Rust/Brown Side Split Cowhide Leather Bib with Snaps for FR Cotton Cape Sleeves, 19" Rust, Adjustable Waist Strap

Rugged and durable leather bib, easy replacement when worn, torn, or dirty without replacing the cape sleeves entirely. Attaches with snaps to all Steiner FR cotton and FR cotton/leather hybrid cape sleeves Rugged side split cowhide leather Adjustable waist strap holds bib in place

Attachment Method:Snaps
Leather Type:Side Split Cowhide
Product Type:Bib for cape sleeves
Size:22" W x 19" L

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