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4-1/2" C3 Ceramic Compact Flap Disc, 40 (Medium) Grit, 5/8""11 Arbor Hole, Regular Thickness

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4-1/2" C3 Ceramic Compact Flap Disc, 40 (Medium) Grit, 5/8""11 Arbor Hole, Regular Thickness, 13,300 RPM

Self-sharpening ceramic grain and cool grinding aid for fast, aggressive cutting action on hard-to-grind materials. Ceramic flap discs are designed to last longer than zirconia flap discs. Polyester backing material for longer working life. Ceramic grain provides Contaminate-Free results; stainless steel won't rust. Hybrid Compact design (4"1/2" and 5") " Flaps are compressed and compacted at a 4 degree for edge strength. For working on rough edge work. Flaps are compressed at a 4 degree angle for flap edge strength. Best used at 5"20 angle. Suitable for Edge grinding. Steel and stainless and other heat sensitive materials.

Arbor Hole Size:5/8""11
Grit:40 (Medium)
Max Operating Speed:13,300 RPM
Use:Right angle grinder

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