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Wedge Collet for 2-Series/CK9/CK20/CKM200 3/32" Gas Saver Torch

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Gas Saver Wedge Collet; Item Wedge Collet; Used On Item 3/32 Inch Gas Saver, Torch; Used On Model/Brand 2-Series/CK9/CK20/CKM200

Improves arc starts and arc stability; Requires less pressure from backcap to secure electrode, improving thread life on torch head; Electrode is in direct contact with collet body creating less resistance heating; Eliminates twisting and deformation of collet

Item:Wedge Collet
Used On Item:3/32 Inch Gas Saver, Torch
Used On Model/Brand:2-Series/CK9/CK20/CKM200

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