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1" x 1" Mounted Flap Wheel with 1/4" Shank, Zirconia Alumina Z-COOL, 60-INOX Grit

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1" x 1" Mounted Flap Wheel with 1/4" Shank, Zirconia Alumina Z-COOL, 60-INOX Grit, 25,000 Max RPM, Suitable For Stainless Steel (INOX), Bronze, Titanium, Nickel and Cobalt Based Alloy

Flap wheels with Z-COOL abrasive are purpose-designed for use on stainless steel and high-temperature alloys These tools provide high stock removal rates and particularly cool grinding action (abrasive will not load up

Abrasive Material:Zirconia Alumina Z-COOL
Applicable Materials:Stainless Steel (INOX), Bronze, Titanium, Nickel and Cobalt Based Alloy
Max. RPM:25,000
PFERD Specification Number:F Z-COOL
Quantity Per Box:10
Recommended Speed RPM:15,000
Shank Diameter:1/4"

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

Please call for details.