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Lincolnweld P2007 Submerged Arc Flux, 50 lb. Plastic Bag Package

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Lincolnweld P2007 Submerged Arc Flux, 50 lb. Plastic Bag Package

Neutral basic flux designed for welding stainless steel and nickel alloys Produces sound welds with excellent slag removal and bead appearance Exhibits superior resistance to moisture pickup Nickel overlays applications Stainless overlay and joining applicationsTypical Applications: For submerged arc welding of the 300 and 400 series stainless steels, nickel alloys and similar alloy filler metal

Appearance:Granular welding flux
Density:2.0 g/cm
Package:50 lb. Plastic Bag
Physical State:Solid

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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