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12.5 oz Aerosol Can Brite Zinc Cold Galvanizing Compound, Clear For Galvanized Material

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12.5 oz Aerosol Can Brite Zinc Cold Galvanizing Compound, Clear For Galvanized Material

Applications:Rust/Corrosion Prevention
Auto-Ignition Temperature:550 F (287.8 C)
Boiling point:132.9 F
Chemical Compound:Zinc-Rich
Dry Time:15-30 Minutes
Flash point:-4 F (-20 C)
For Use With:Galvanized Material
Initial Boiling Point:95 F (35 C)
Melting Point:-.38.8 F (-94.9 C)
Packing Type:Aerosol Can
Percent Volatile:8.7 %
Quantity:12 per case
Relative Density:0.82
Resin Type:Organic
Size:12.5 oz
Specific Gravity:0.896
VOC Content:7.2584 lb/gl
Vapor Pressure:2.86.9 hPa
Weight:1.69 lb

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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