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4-1/2" Polifan Flap Disc, Conical (PFC " Type 29) - Performance line SG, 7/8" Arbor Hole, 40 Grit

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4-1/2" Polifan Flap Disc, Conical (PFC " Type 29) - Performance line SG, 7/8" Arbor Hole, 40 Grit, Coarse Grade, Zirconia Alumina Z, 13,300 Max RPM, Suitable For Steel and Stainless Steel (INOX)

POLIFAN ZIRKON has been one of the most efficient flap discs available for years. PFERD has set a new benchmark with the improved, more efficient successor, the POLIFAN Z SG-POWER.Advantages: Significantly longer tool life (up to +236%) due to product enhancements and fine-tuning of all components Higher aggressiveness throughout the entire tool life Maximum economic value resulting from the increased tool life and aggressiveness

Abrasive Material:Zirconia Alumina Z
Applicable Materials:Steel, stainless steel (INOX)
Arbor Hole:7/8"
Backing Material:Cloth
Bond Type:Resin
Max. RPM:13,300
PFERD Specification Number:SG Z
Quantity Per Box:10
Type:Conical (PFC " Type 29)

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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