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4-1/2" Type 27 Z3 Zirconia Premium Flap Disc, 40 (Medium) Grit, 7/8" Arbor Hole, XL Thickness

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4-1/2" Type 27 Z3 Zirconia Premium Flap Disc, 40 (Medium) Grit, 7/8" Arbor Hole, XL Thickness, 13,300 RPM

Fastest grain removal in the marketplace for carbon based steels (26% more than the competition) and second best after CGW Z-Stainless discs on stainless steels, while offering excellent life. Active grinding agent provides cool cutting with light pressure. Special optimized resin bond offers maximum cutting capacity, strong edge stability and long life. Premium Zirconia Alumina grain with a poly/cotton heat treated backing. The poly/cotton combination provides low stretch and strength for the high Zirconia concentration that Z3 contains. Contaminate-free. For working on flat grinding surfaces. Most efficient when used between 0"15 angle. The best choice for smooth finishing. Recommended for aggressive use and heavy duty applications.

Arbor Hole Size:7/8"
Grit:40 (Medium)
Max Operating Speed:13,300 RPM
Type:27 " Depressed center flat disc
Use:Right angle grinder

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