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Harris GMAW Welding Wire, 0.035 in Dia, Mild Steel, 44 lb Spool

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Harris GMAW Welding Wire, 0.035 in Dia, Mild Steel, 44 lb Spool

A general-purpose welding wire for fabrication of mild steel. Contains more deoxidizers than ER70S-3. The additional deoxidizers also provide better wetting, giving a flatter bead shape and the capability of faster travel speeds. Usually used with 75/25 (argon/CO2) shielding gas or with higher contents of argon, such as 90/10. Can also be used with 100% CO2. For single pass on steels where rusty and dirty surfaces are not cleaned before welding (1455203)

Container Size:44 lb
Container Type:Spool
Polarity:DC Reverse
Specifications Met:AWS A5.18 ER70S-6, ASME SFA5.18 ER70S-6, EN10204 2.1, EN102014 3.1
Welding Method:GMAW
Wire Diameter:0.035 in
Wire Material:Mild Steel

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