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2-Piece, Heavy Preheat, Cutting Torch Tip for Cutting Torch

ITEM CODE: 1501070
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Cutting Torch Tip; Item Cutting Torch Tip; Type 2-Piece, Heavy Preheat; Used On Item Cutting Torch; Gas Type Propane/Natural; Depth of Cut 10 to 11 Inch; Pressure Rating 90 PSIG (Oxygen), 15 PSIG (Fuel); Consumption 1020 SCFH (Oxygen), 17.5 SCFH (Fuel); Cutting Drill Size #31; Application Demolition, Maintenance, Cutting Steel

Propane/natural gas cutting tips with a heavy preheat for hand cutting steel with rusted, painted or heavily scaled surfaces; Made in USA

Item:Cutting Torch Tip
Type:2-Piece, Heavy Preheat
Used On Item:Cutting Torch

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