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Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Unitized Spill Clean Up Kit with CPR, Small

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Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Unitized Spill Clean Up Kit with CPR, Plastic Case, Small, Weather Proof

A perfect size kit that is easy to mount on the wall. Great product to have when there are risks of accidents for clean-up. Life saving CPR protection kit.Kit Contents: BBP Personal Protection Pack with CPR Face Shield (9 pieces) Bodily Fluid Pick-up Guide (1 piece) Body Fluid Spill Clean-Up Pack (21 pieces)

Kit Size:4.5" L x 7.5" H x 2.75" W
Pieces in Kit:28

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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