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Model 2290-3H Heating Tip, Propane/Natural Gas Gas Service, 1/4" - 1" Flame Cone

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Model 2290-3H Heating Tip, Propane/Natural Gas Gas Service, 1/4" - 1" Flame Cone, 25 - 70 PSIG Oxygen Pressure

Model 2290 heating tips are capable of producing more than 1 million BTU per hour using low-cost, readily available, safe alternate fuels. Details: Warranty: 1 yearWhere used: Fabrication, shipbuilding, etc.

Flame Cone Length:1/4" - 1"
Gas Service:Propane/Natural Gas
Model No.:2290-3H
Oxygen Flow:340 - 920 CFH
Oxygen Pressure:25 - 70 PSIG
Propane Flow:85 - 230 CFH
Propane Pressure:8 - 25 PSIG

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

Please call for details.