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Murex 6013D Mild Steel Stick Electrode, 1/8" Dia., 50 lb. Carton

ITEM CODE: EDM13182454
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Murex 6013D Mild Steel Stick Electrode, 1/8" Dia., 50 lb. Carton, 95 - 150 Amps Current

Excellent wetting action, yielding smooth and flat beads Ideal for vertical down welding Excellent appearance and ease of operation in all positions Low spatter and excellent slag removal - virtually self-cleaning on vertical down fillets Manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 9001 requirementsTypical Applications:for use on all types of mild steel fabrication Good choice when shallow penetration is required or fit up is poorConformances: AWS A5.1/A5.1M: 2004: E6013 ASME SFA-5.1: E6013 (313156)

Appearance:Steel rod with extruded flux coating
Current:95 - 150 Amps
Elongation:25% - 32%
Package:50 lb. Carton
Physical State:Solid
Tensile Strength psi (MPa):60,000 - 78,000 (414 - 538)
Yield Strength psi (MPa):48,000 - 70,000 (331 - 483)

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

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