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We can provide the gases you need, when you need them.

No matter what your current gas use is, S.J. Smith can provide you with the gases and accessories you need. Whether you use cylinder gases, medical gases, specialty gases, disposable calibration gases, bulk and/or micro-bulk systems, laser-assist gas systems, cryogenic and technical services or customized gas mixes, S.J. Smith is the provider you need in the Illinois, Iowa and northeast Missouri areas.

S.J. Smith has multiple fill plants ready to provide for your gas needs. S.J. Smith provides gases include Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Helium, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, PropaneAcetylene and numerous specialty gas mixes, as well as all the accessories.

Our specialty gas plant, located in Decatur, IL, is ISO certified to provide customers with the highest quality of pure, mixed and custom-blended gases available. Each of our S.J. Smith cylinders goes through quality check before, during and after the fill process.

You’ll benefit from our 70-plus years' experience in the gas and welding industry, as well as our trained and expert staff who will partner with you to find the best quality solution for your business. We work with companies from start-up to large-scale Fortune 500, and have experience at all levels, to make sure you have the equipment and services that work best for your operation.

Here’s just a few of our available services: 

Bulk gas

Micro-bulk gas

Gas installations

Expert consultation

Technical Gas Services/Cryogenic

Laser gas

Lab Gas/Specialty Gas

Calibration Gas

Industrial Gases

Need more information? Contact us anytime, or call us at 563-324-5237!


S.J. Smith has been servicing our account for more than 20 years. During that time Mr. Plunkett was almost like one of employees in that he was looking for ways to make improvements to our procedures. We look forward to many more years of great service from S.J. Smith. Dennis Hanser, President, Wilton Precision Steel, Wilton, Iowa