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Wearshield MI Hardfacing Stick (SMAW) Electrode, 5/32" Dia., 10 lb. Carton (40 lb. Master) Package

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Wearshield MI Hardfacing Stick (SMAW) Electrode, 5/32" Dia., 10 lb. Carton (40 lb. Master) Package, 14" Length, 110-150 Amps at DC+ & AC Polarity, Metal-to-Metal

Provides a martensitic deposit with considerable retained austenite General purpose electrode, a good compromise for metal-to-metal wear, moderate impact and mild abrasion Can be used on carbon and low alloy steel parts Deposits tend to cross check and are usually best limited to two layersTypical Applications: Boom heels Conveyor screws Dipper lips Tractor grousers Ditcher teeth Lumber equipment Hammer millsWelding Positions: All, except vertical down

Appearance:Steel rod with extruded flux coating
Current:110-150 Amps (DC+) & (AC)
Package:10 lb. Carton (40 lb. Master)
Physical State:Solid
Polarity:DC+ & AC

Prices and stock availability subject to change, and may differ by location; Items may include unforeseen shipping and/or tariffs; Taxes where applicable; Shipping limited to company market area which includes select regions of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

Please call for details.